The internet can’t believe how much Steph Curry paid for this NFT

Steph Curry, one of the world’s richest basketball players in the world, has bought NFT – and the internet in a shower. Unworthy tokens, also known as NFFTs, are controversial topics alone, but large-scale celebrity spending in an outrageous amount of money on one of them certainly deserves specially mentioned. And when we say outrageously, we really mean outrageously.

The famous basketball player recently bought NFT from the Bored Ape Yacht Club. The feature image is basically what it is recommended – Ape that doesn’t look a little amused. The ape has blue feathers, yellow-green eyes, and wearing a tweed suit with Dotted Cravat. As per the non-fungible token rules, Steph Curry is now the single owner of this bored ape. But the question is, how much does he pay it?

Ape for sale in August 2021 in Opensea, a NFT market. The details of sales are public, so that everyone can see that curry pays 55 eth (ethereum) for monkeys that look luxurious. This means that Curry Steph spends around $ 180,000 (converted uses USD / ETH prices on August 2021) to become the own owner of NFT # 7990 in the Yacht Club series Ape bored.

Expensive good investment or jpg?

Stephen Curry is proud to present the claim on Twitter by making it a profile picture – this is a common thing to do in the NFT community. While his profile is now normal, he remains the owner of this ultra-expensive non-fungible token. But if $ 180K sounds crazy for you, your mind will be blown, because NFT Curry is not the most expensive ape out there.

In the publication of this article in January 2022, the highest sales recorded from the APE Yacht Club NFT at Opensea was worth 769 ETH. At the time of sales in September 2021, this amounted to more than $ 2.3 million. Whether the is exchangeable style is tired of satisfying a person’s personal aesthetics or not, having someone has become a prestige symbol in the world of NFT.

Cryptopunks is a similar NFT type that managed to reach crazy numbers and now a symbol of more than artwork – it is difficult to find traces of art in pixelated images, but it does not prevent them from sale. Millions of people. In March 2021, Cryptopopunk was sold for 4,200 eth. With today’s standards, the transaction is worth more than $ 13 million. Cryptopunk is one of the first three nft ever placed at the main auction with Sothebys.

It is clear that Curry Steph can spend more on His NFT, but the fact is still that he is now a short $ 180K and is a highly sought-after token owner represented by JPG files. Even though it might look ridiculous, it is possible that Curry made a good investment – The Bored Ape Yacht Club continued to rise both in price and popularity. However, the NFT market is very fluctuative and unpredictable, so only the time will tell whether the ape is bored curry will be worth the money.

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